Small-capacity transformer core's grounding . Usually on a small-capacity transformer small clamping pieces are not insulated from clamping pieces. It's the metal tensile rod or pulling plate that makes the transformer core ground. But the transformer coregrounding refers to inserting one tin-plated copper in the metal yoke 2-3 grade. The copper’s other end is fixed in the clamping piece by the screw.
Medium-sized transformer core’s grounding. When the insulation between the upper and lower clamping pieces done well, it need to plug tin-plated copper in the well-matched place of the iron yoke, The upper yoke’s grounding piece need to be linked with the upper clamping piece, and the under yoke grounded to the low clamping. So the upper clamps on the yoke connected to the transformer core and then go through low iron yoke to the low clamping.
Large transformer core’s grounding. Since large transformers are high voltage per turn, when there are two ground points, ground loop voltage is also very high, which will lead to more serious consequences. In order to avoid some dangers of more large-capacity transformer core’s ground, you should check the existence of multi- transformer core ground, and see whether there is current through the ground loop. The transformer core is required to go through a small tube and then to ground.