Toroidal transformeris one kind of electronic transformers that has been widely used inhome appliances and some other technical equipment of high skillrequirements. Its main application is as a power transformer andisolation transformer. Toroidal transformer in a foreign country has thecomplete series in foreign countries , widely used in the aspects ofcomputers, medical equipment, telecommunications, instruments andlighting and so on. Our nation also gradually introduce the toroidaltransformer from abroad over the past decade. So far we have formed alarge production scale, not only meet the domestic demands, but alsoexport to foreign countries. The toroidal transformer are mainly used inthe field of home appliances, audio equipment, automation equipment andlighting and so on in our domestic market. Due to good cost performanceratio, excellent output characteristics and resistance ability,toroidal transformer has become one kind of popular transformer thatenjoys high competitive in the field of electrical equipment.
Compared to traditional EI transformer, toroidal transformer ischaracterized with small body, little magnetic flux leakage, highefficiency, small inner resistance, quick response. Toroidal transformeruses the method of round-reeving that reeves the outer wires, which cansave a lot of space. This feature also contributes a lot to reducingwire length. Toroidal transformer's weight and volume can be reduced25-30% in contrast with traditional transformer. But its productivitycan reach 90%, while traditional transformer is only about 80%.